GREGOR KINDELMANN | Managing Director and Founder
Since 1999 alternative practitioner for classical homeopathy . Lecturer and supervisor since 2000. Founding member of Homoeopaths without Borders, collaboration in the Mostar project from 1997-2000 and organizational management for the Macedonia project 2000-2004. 2006 member of the Quality Conference of the Homeopathy Certificate Foundation (SHZ) and its representatives in the European Central Council of Homeopaths (ECCH) and International Council of Homeopaths (ICH). In July 2015 graduated from the University of Central Lancashire with a thesis on the effects of homoeopathic potencies on human cancer cell lines. Since 2016 project management for several in vitro studies on this topic.

KAREN SCHURMANN| Chief Operations Officer
From 1988 to 2008 commercial training and subsequent employment as a consultant in the personnel development department of an international trading group. Responsible for coaching, organizational development and training concepts, as well as development of an international development program for prospective managing directors. In-service training in theme-centred interaction, systemic coaching and qualification as change management consultant. Since 2010 alternative practitioner for classical homeopathy.

JORG WICHMANN| Systematics and availability of drugs
Since 1994 alternative practitioner with classical homeopathic practice, in the countryside near Cologne. Since 2001 lecturer in homeopathy education, founding and management of the Bergische Homöopathie-Schule. Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the "Homeopathic Certificate Foundation" from 2003 to 2006. Author of the book "The natural system of remedies" and operator ofprovings.infowhere you can find information on more than 8000 homeopathic medicines.

CHRISTINE LAUTERBACH| Implementation and training concepts
Classical homeopath (HP), certified homeopath, lecturer and supervisor (SHZ) since 1990. Founding member of "Homoeopathen ohne Grenz eV" with assignments in Bosnia, Macedonia , Bolivia and Ecuador. Coordinator of ”Head of Training” and “Curriculum Working Group”. 2006 - 2009: Graduated from the University of Central Lancashire with a Master of Science Homoeopathy degree. International cooperation in "Homoeopaths World Wide" and "Homoeopathic Humanitarian Organisation".

ELISABETH OF WEDEL| Implementation strategies and needs assessment
Since 1991 practicing classical homeopathy in Jever and Oldenburg. Teaching since 1994; certified (SHZ) lecturer and supervisor. 1997 Founding member of Homoeopaths Without Borders eV (HOG). Project Management for Bosnia 1997 - 2004; Chairman of the Board at HOG 2006 to 20016. Co-author of the book "Homoeopathy between War and Hope". 2009 Master's degree in Homeopathy at the University of Central Lancashire.